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November 15, 2011


Image Pinterest Via VT Interiors

I had a bit of ‘catastrophe’ over at my Pinterest account this week. My pinboards experienced a name change? for some strange reason, and then they ceased to exist and no-one could access them. I salvaged what I could…. but learnt the hard way that you can’t save a pin… from a pin, listed in your pins… if it theoretically ‘no longer exists’ as a pin. As a result of the time I spent, rescuing my favourite Pinterest images, I reckon I have some serious skills in the ‘Surviving A Pinterest Catastrophe’ department now.

This image, I was afraid I would never find again. I love it. It is not the usual ‘white on white’ kitchen I usually drool over. I love the contrasting black and white, the symmetry and those glass lights. I am currently in the midst of a glass light obsession…. and I am so going to do similar to the above in my next kitchen. I have my eye on my Dijon French Lights in the clear glass. These ones:


I love their gorgeous shape… with the little ‘hat’ on the top.

You can see the shape a little better in the silver version:


Sigh. I love them.

I only sell what I seriously love to bits.

Don’t quote me on this, but I reckon they are the next big thing….. delicate, elegant glass kitchen pendant lights. Ok, but then, these could be big too:

potterybarn-3499320 Image Courtesy Pottery Barn

I am SERIOUSLY in love with these. I am thinking of getting my hands on some. What do you think? Would they take off here?

I’m off for my run now, before it gets light. Boy, it was a shocker yesterday. 36 degrees. I rode into town to stock up on some more Nespresso and to save on ‘$50 a minute’ car parking fees. It was seriously hot. I came home and jumped straight in the pool to cool down… and then drank my body weight in water.

You May Be Interested In:  High Gloss Kitchen Cabinets: The Pros and Cons

Another hot one is forecast today. I love reading all about the freezing cold in my Northern Hemisphere bloggy friend’s blogs. I’m a cold kinda gal. How am I going to survive this summer? How to stay active in this heat? Why do I live in Brisbane again? I ask myself the same question every summer. I sort of forget how bad it is during our mild winters. Ok, gritted teeth…. out into it!

Happy Wednesday!