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Oh dear, I do apologise, Mr Problogger, for the ‘Boring Blog Post Title’…. but I really couldn’t think of anything else to call this line up. One of my readers, Natalie, has asked me to help inspire her in the creation of her living room bookshelves. Here are some of my favourites. 

I love the hardware in the shelves above… and the styling is so ‘sharp’. I’m ditching the crystal knobs next time and going dark with whole lot. Love. It….. and love the cabinetry profile too.


Image Courtesy Sony Pictures

This very picture, from the movie ‘Something’s Gotta Give’, inspired the corner of my old Great Room, where the piano sat…..which then inspired the shelving in the rest of the Great Room.


Once we boxed up that damn beam… that came out of no-where (long, old story)… I went a bit berserk on the shelving side of things and sort of shelved up the whole room…. as you can see below. There is a French door and transom to the right of the piano… like the movie image above… but do you think I could find a picture of it at this time of the morning?… nope.

b3-greatroom-1202519 I used crystal knobs on my cabinetry. Hey, that’s Ness’s cushion on the window seat. It’s now on my bedside chair. Still loving it to bits Ness. b4-creategirl-blogspot-com_-7897710 Image Courtesy Create Girl

…. and you had me at ladder. Enough said.


Image Via Pinterest

….sigh. Ladder.

All so neat and tidy.


Around doorways is good.

b7prettystuff-tumblr-com_-2933812 Image Courtesy Architectural Digest

…like seriously good.

You May Be Interested In:  Cottage Inspiration

Image Via Pinterest

… and down hallways. I think I might do something like this next time. 

A blogging nook perhaps.


Or I could aim for a seriously heavenly blogging nook.


Freestanding is good.

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See, I did freestanding in the study in ‘The House’.

Libraries, in black and white, available through Cape Cod Designs.

Email me.

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Love the labels. So organised. 

Appeals to my eternally organising, de-cluttering self.

b13sweethomestyle-tumblr-7806095 Image Courtesy Sweet Home Style

How’s this for a great use of space?

There needs to be a chaise lounge up there for ‘blogging lounging’.

So I would have loaded up more bookshelves this morning… but it has gone from pitch dark to sunshine in the time I have put these up! Time to put the coffee on and dig my boys out of bed. Why is it that they are up at the crack of dawn on weekends but so hard to rouse on school days? I wonder!

Off to the shed again this morning… more lights to send out. Sold out of my Hampton’s light but I have more coming in this week. Phew!

Happy Monday. Make it a good one.