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My Favourite Nook – The House that A-M Built

By December 27, 2019January 19th, 2024No Comments

January 27, 2014


Image Courtesy Archer Buchanan

Ok, I have decided that this week I am going to take a bit of a trip down memory lane and list all my favourites of everything. Something different each day. Today, because it is ‘Monday Nook’ day, it’s ‘My Favourite Nook’. This is my all time favourite because it has everything …. beautiful panelling detail, a pretty light, books, somewhere comfy to sit, a view, neutral tones, dark accents, interesting roof line mixed in with an archway, heaps of natural light. I’ll stop now.

It’s going to be tricky picking just one of each of my favourite things …. but you know, when you keep coming back to something that has stopped your heart for years, that it’s a ‘#bigstatementbuttrue favourite. Tomorrow, it’s going to be my favourite ‘Front House Elevation’. I’m starting with the tough stuff.

Happy Monday! Have a great day.

A-M xx

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